Sowing the Seed of Truth: Orthodox Quaker Sermons of Murray Shipley (1873-1876)

During a turbulent period in their history, nineteenth-century members of the Religious Society of Friends were struggling with a challenging question: what exactly do Quakers believe?

This book is a collection of thirty-five sermons by the well-respected Cincinnati minister Murray Shipley, along with an introduction to the central tenets of Quakerism and how they affected early Friends’ preaching. Through vivid personal anecdotes, imaginative narratives, unusual allegories, and engaging details about life in the 1870s, Shipley invites others to experience a life transformed by the spirit of God.

You can now pre-order the paperback edition of Sowing the Seed of Truth from the Friends United Meeting bookstore. E-book and hardcover editions are coming soon. You can read excerpts here.

Friends Past and Present: The Bicentennial History of Cincinnati Friends Meeting (1815-2015)

This book provides an in-depth look at Cincinnati Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, how it has changed over the past two centuries, and how it fits into broader trends in Quaker history, Cincinnati history, and American history. From opposing slavery, to founding such local institutions as The Children’s Home, to advocating for peace and civil rights, the members of this meeting have made an impact that continues to be felt.

This book is available from in both paperback and Kindle versions.